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Lupum negotiantes Silicon Steel Cnc Cut Ad Longitudinem Lineam - Transformer Core Stacking Tabula suppeditatur ABB - Trihope Detail:

Mensa positis nucleus Transformator maxime convenit ad nucleum positis et 90 gradus conversionis directe post completionem positis. Accipe mesa integram et pixidem generis basim, structuram altam ferro, planitiam bonam, speciem simplicem. Praecipua stationis hydraulica in basi capsula structura compacta disposita est. Valvae hydraulicae unius modi imperium in systemate inauguratum est, ut onus non transferat in aliqua positione volatili. bracket aptabile munus habet volvendi, et latitudo passim aptari potest per cochleam dextra laevaque par pellunt, quae commodius est uti.

Picture 1

Praecipuus parametri

Onus afferentem 1,000kgs vel nativus

Mensa amplitudo: 1000 (L) × 1000 (W) mm

Mensa altitudo: 800mm

Mensa operans angulum currit: 0-90 gradus, positio quaelibet potest oberrare

Celeritas operans: 90° / 45 seconds (adjustable)

HYDRAULICUS operantes pressura: Max XXI Mpa

Pondus armorum: circiter 2000 kg

Detail imaginibus productum:

Tutus Dealers of Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Length Line - Transformer Core Stacking Table supplied to ABB - Trihope detail pictures

Tutus Dealers of Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Length Line - Transformer Core Stacking Table supplied to ABB - Trihope detail pictures

Tutus Dealers of Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Length Line - Transformer Core Stacking Table supplied to ABB - Trihope detail pictures

Tutus Dealers of Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Length Line - Transformer Core Stacking Table supplied to ABB - Trihope detail pictures

Tutus Dealers of Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Length Line - Transformer Core Stacking Table supplied to ABB - Trihope detail pictures

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