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Tutus Dealers of Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Long- Line - Silicon steel V Notching Secans Machina for Transformer V Machina Secans Linea Cut Line - Trihope Detail:

Product Details:

Technical parametrifor*V Notching Machina

Model VY-100 VY-200 VY-300
Silicon Caligo Crassitudo


Profundum notching "V" ≤100mm ≤200mm ≤300mm
Secans Burrs


Notching Controlling

Servo Motor

Notching Blade

Carbide Blade

Detail imaginibus productum:

Transformer V Machina Secans Line - Trihope detail pictures

Related Product Guide:

Tutus negotiantes Silicon Steel Cnc Cut To Longi - Silicon ensem V Notching Secans Machina V Transformer V Secans Machinam Lineam Cut Lineam - Trihope, Productum supplebit toto orbe terrarum, ut: , , ,

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